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Employers lose 9 hours a week answering benefits questions: Study

Employers lose 9 hours a week answering benefits questions: Study

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Employers lose 9 hours a week answering benefits questions: Study

HR professionals spend an average of nine hours a week answering questions from members about benefits, according to a survey by HealthJoy. What would you do with an extra day in your week? 

One in five employers surveyed by the Society of Human Resources Managers said communicating benefits to employees was one of their biggest challenges. Only 19% of employers say their workers have a firm grasp of the benefits available to them, according to the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.


If you are going to raise your deductible, at least do THIS

Thursday, October 28, 2021, 2:00 PM ET / 11 AM PT

Attendees will gain a working knowledge of 3 strategies that can make raising an employees’ and their families’ deductibles a GOOD THING. As renewal date approaches and if raising employee deductibles is inevitable, this month’s LIVE webcast will give you the strategies to make raising a deductible a WIN/WIN for employees and your company itself.

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Start by getting your employees the information they need, at the time they need it. More dynamic messaging can help you connect with members throughout the year. For example:

  • Text messaging. Outbound text messages have higher open rates — 98% — than email, and a 209% higher response rate than phone, email or even Facebook. 
  • Company chat platforms. With more workers dispersed in remote offices or at home, chat tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams are replacing quick stops by a colleague’s office. Employers can pin updates, nudges or disclosures where workers will see them. 
  • Chat bots. For answers to routine questions, chatbots can help members find information quickly and easily, and direct them to their benefits manager for more complex questions.